- Title in English: Needs to be modified as: Purslane Leaves Extract: A Novel Therapeutic Approach to Mitigate of Induced Testicular Histopathological Alterations and Hormonal Imbalances by compound 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-buta-4 None (NNK) in Male Rats.
- Title in Arabic: Needs to be modified as:
مستخلص أوراق الرجلة: نهج علاجي جديد للتخفيف من التغيرات النسيجية المرضية في الخصية والاختلالات الهرمونية الناجمة عن مركب 4-(ميثيل نيتروزامينو)-1-(3-بيريديل)-1-بيوتا-4 نون (NNK) في ذكور الفئران
- Principal Investigator Data: Role/tasks: It is written that Principal Investigator, required to write tasks.
- Reviewing the protocol by scientific committee: written No.
- Research Team: Co-Investigator: The procedure he /she is responsible: written in all (4 Co-Investigator), the same tasks (1. Injection of animals 2. Blood sampling 3. Sacrifice 4. Biochemical tests).
- Background: Written in second paragraph Figure1. Portulaca oleracea picture. There is no Figure.
- Procedure in Details: There are no details of anything, and only 4 lines are written representing the stages of the Search.
- Sample size and groups: Written 10 rats in group, it’s not written a number of groups.
- Gant-chart: Written 3 charts.
* It can be enough by one chart (the second).
* In the third chart is written portulaca seeds fractions, It's not leaves.
* Written in the third and fourth chart M6, M7, …… M12. While the study is only two months.
Flow-chart: Repeated Gant-chart.
- Describe all procedures on the animals and how done:
* Dose of compound NNK (1.5 mg/kg body weight). The basis for choosing this dose was not mentioned.
* Dose of Portulaca ether extract (500 mg /kg/day). The basis for choosing this dose was not mentioned.
- You mentioned will be done Seminal quality and Histopathological Examination. You did not mention the details of the procedure and the parameters that will be evaluated.
- Drug/Agent: Written alcoholic extract. While study used Ether extract.
- Collection of biological samples: Written Sample: blood. While There are Seminal quality (Semen) and Histopathological Examination (Tests tissues).
- Sample amount (size/ volume): 3 to 5 ml. This quantity is considered a lot.
- In the third stage of search (3- In vitro cytotoxicity assay). Did not give any details.
- The anticipated pain or distress for animals: Mentioned no pain or slight pain. How, with:
* Orally Rats for 8 weeks (experimental period) using a gastric tube.
* Subcutaneously injected three times weekly for four weeks
* Take blood samples.
* Take semen samples.