National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Fractional CO2 laser with topical insulin application for the treatment of striae alba

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

Regarding Informed Consent:

  • It must be revisited to remove irrelevant sections or paragraphs as well as complete any missed information.
  • Emphasize more about the study procedures and the possible side effects.

Regarding Protocol:

  • Modify age to 21 and above
  • How the sample size calculated (formula and references)
  • No reference for using insulin topically for striae alba as well as the dosage (5 IU) and the provided clinical assessment
  • Which Insulin (Brand) & Why ?
  • Quantitative outcome(s) should be considered from clinical, laboratory and statistical perspectives

Comment to the Committee

Informed consent form:

Needs Modification


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