National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

CCR5 Chemokine Receptor as a Clinical Marker in Liver Cancer: Staging, Fibrosis, and Prognostic Implications

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant


Comment to the Committee

It is essential to identify the patient criteria in each group.
Calculating the sample size for the study is a crucial step that requires clarification.
The blood sample volume to be drawn should be specified.
The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study need to be clearly outlined to ensure proper participant selection.
It is necessary to clarify where participants will be recruited and to develop a method for determining whether they meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The informed consent form requires significant revisions to correct (the common mistake of not being study-specific), ensuring it accurately reflects the nature of the research being conducted.

Informed consent form:

Needs Modification


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