He mentioned the protocol was not reviewed by scientific reviewing committee although he attached the form 90
The co-author not in the field of research just to write the paper
He did not mention from where the human hepatocellular (HEPG-2), colon carcinoma (CACO-2) and lung cancer (A549) cells
In methodology No. of mice in measuring LD50 186 plus 45 for the experiment
He mentioned in Animal Housing Requirements Two hundred sixteen (216) adult albino mice weighing 20-25 g were divided for calculating the LD50
He mention severity of pain no pain although the mice will be treated by stomach tube and the blood samples from Retro-orbital plexus
He mentioned the protocol was not reviewed by scientific reviewing committee although he attached the form 90
The co-author not in the field of research just to write the paper
He did not mention from where the human hepatocellular (HEPG-2), colon carcinoma (CACO-2) and lung cancer (A549) cells
In methodology No. of mice in measuring LD50 186 plus 45 for the experiment
He mentioned in Animal Housing Requirements Two hundred sixteen (216) adult albino mice weighing 20-25 g were divided for calculating the LD50
He mention severity of pain no pain although the mice will be treated by stomach tube and the blood samples from Retro-orbital plexus