National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Investigation of Therapeutic Effect of Moringa and potential Synergy with Prostride against Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

1)استبدال  كلمة علاجى بكلمة بيولوجى  فى العنوان باللغه العربيه واضافة جملة   - على فئران التجارب - 2)English Title;Investigation of Biological Effect -------------Hyperplasia on Experimental Rats. 3) Please add the scientific role of the PI.4)Please add the complete scientific name ,the site and date of collection of the plant,its Taxonomical identification . 5)The LD50 of the tested extract. 6)Please complete in the part concerning Drug/Agent used the origin of Prostrid ,Testosterone propionate ,Pentobarbital and Protophane  and references  of their doses which will be used in the study.

Comment to the Committee

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