National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Screening study of the anti-convulsant activity of natural extract of L. loudonii and its nano form in mice.

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

1) اضافة اسم النبات بالكامل فى العنوان باللغه العربيه -لجرستروميا لودوناى كذلك تعديل كلمة النانوى الى النانونى                                                                                                                     2)Please add in the English Title full name of the plant including Genus and Species -Lagerstroemia Loudonii . 3)complete the scientific role of the PI in the study.4)Add the references concerning the doses of drug/agent which will be used in the study. 5) in the part of Gantt and Flowcharts ,Please add  the doses of the extract and its nano form .

Comment to the Committee

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