The Arabic title misses the translation of he word "attributes"
The personal data of the PI is missing (affiliation (university, faculty and department), specialty of PhD, field/expertise of assitant professor),
duration of study: 6 ???? weeks, months or years
The objective of the study contains levels of pineapple peel powder that should be moved to the methods section
The background does not include data about use of the pineapple peel powder in previous studies. There is also no data about its safety as nutritional items versus adverse effects like gastrointestinal problems.
There is no data about the questions that will be asked to the participant adults (sensory attributes, palatability, abdominal discomfort, etc.)
The procedures (methods) are unclear and not informative. Please respond to the following comment
- what is sample size and groups: 4????. Please explain
Please, explain how you will calculate the sample size, please, cite the reference. You may consult a statistician.
Please, state the age range of the adults, inclusion and exclusion criteria, source of study population (مثلا جامعة القاهرة أو مدرسين في مدرسة أو غير ذلك)