The protocol needs some modifications
The protocol needs some modifications:
الترجمة العربية تحتاج تعديل: (مقترح للعنوان العربى : تقييم شفاء الأنسجة الرخوة بعد تطعيم العظام السنخية لدى مرضى الشفة الأرنبية (الشق الأحادي الجانب) باستخدام كولاجين بيوسيل
2. The protocol has not been reviewed by a scientific review committee
3. No references were added in the background section
4. The References section contains 19 references that were not mentioned in the Background section
5. The dose of Biocell was not determined (number of tablets? Is it one tablet or more? How many milligrams does each tablet contain) during the treatment period (12 weeks)?
6. The source of Biosil Collagen has not been determined, especially since it is produced by many companies