The protocol needs some modifications
The protocol needs some modifications:
الترجمة العربية تحتاج تعديل: (مقترح للعنوان العربى : استهداف القدرة المضادة للسرطان لمقترانات بنزوثيازول كاربوهيدرازيد-سلفونات الجديدة المصممة خصيصًا: في المختبر والحاسوب)
It is also preferable to change the word computational to in silico
2. Some of the Co-Investigators (especially No. 3 and No. 4) are not clarified about their role in the research.
3. The researcher wrote exactly an identical comment without any changes in the point of secondary objections and the point of Hypothesis, Rationale and Scientific Validity.
4. In the experimental procedures section, it was explained that the cancer cells were obtained from the Karolinska Institute and Hospital in Sweden (it must be clarified how this was done, and is there scientific cooperation between the NRC and this Institute in Sweden)
5. All experimental procedures are written in the past tense (was the research conducted?)
6. There are no Gantt Charts and no Flowcharts (researcher attached wrong files)