- Protocol Title in English: Delete nutritional.
- Protocol Title in Arabic: حذف كلمة تغذوى من اخر العنوان
- Areas of expertise: Need to correct (Write experience, not work place).
- The protocol needs to review by scientific reviewing committee.
- Research Team Information: You is the Principal Investigator. And You write as a Co-Investigator: delete You form Co-Investigator.
- Procedure in Details:
* Need to re-write. Because it confused (procedures, place, and date).
* Ration of two oils (corn and mustard).
* Why you using mix from oil?
* You did not write and explain How you done the sensory evaluation.
- Sample size and groups: Need to explain. And what is mean 30 *50 gm.
-Age range of participants: Complete it (20 up to …. What?).
- Safety Issues: you did not mention any thing.
- The Completed Consent Form: You can design another form to non-medical research.