- Anticipated Start Date: You write 2024-08-04: Need to correct.
- Research Team Information: 3Co-Investigator: Sutrisnawati Mardin, Is from Indonesia. Do You obtained security agreement.
- Sample size and groups: You write three groups. Need to explain.
- Safety Issues: Describe the method of disposal of residual human biospecimens: You write there is no human biospecimens. Need to correct, whereas you will use human normal fibroplast cell line (BJ1), that will obtain from Vacsera.
- The protocol writes in the Reviewers distribution Table New submission. But the Applicant writes Re- submission.
- The protocol writes in my page Project. But it writes in the Reviewers distribution Table and the Applicant writes Search.
- Research Team Information: 3Co-Investigator: Sutrisnawati Mardin, Is from Indonesia. Does He obtain security agreement?
- The Applicant attaches the old Form of protocol (Paper) in the last attach file (Other Forms) under name: The-completed-consent-form-compressed-1.pdf