National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Comparative Study on The Effect of Different Remineralizing Agents Versus Fluoride Gel on White Spot Lesions After In-Office Followed by Home Treatment in Children: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

Please apply a proper gantt chart because what is uploaded is a flowchart

How will the child at age of 10 will be responsible for applying the material to the teeth 3 times daily and rinse it? It is the responsibility of the parents

Are the materials used in the research available in the market?

 If yes please mention the commercial names and if the answer is no please provide more information about where will they be prepared and who is responsible for the preparation

فى الموافقة المستنيرة يرجى حذف ما ليس له علاقة بالدلراسة مع كتابة االاسماء التجارية للمواد المستخدة اذا كانت متاحة فى السوق المصرى

يجب ذكر مسئولية الوادين على متابعة الاطفال فى الدراسة و ما هى المسئولية فى حالة استخدام المواد فى المنزل

فى الموافقة المستنيرة يرجى حذف ما ليس له علاقة بالدلراسة

Comment to the Committee

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