National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Development of Multivalent Candidate Vaccine against Human Influenza Viruses.

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

1- One investigator is listed. Will one person have the expertise to do all this work? Additionally, the supervisor is listed later as havng a role in animal care and follow up. Hence at least the supervisor(s) must be listed as investigators.

2- Who willmprepare the candidate vaccines? 

3- Vaccines will be prepared using cell lines, so the proptocol for cell lines must be completed.

4- Based on which papers and what asumprions was the sample size calculated?

5- Sample size mentions 52 mice, while later in the animal protocol it is 56. Additionally, 14x4 is 56 not 52. Please put the correct number.

6- Please justify why the investigator did not determine any possible reduction of mice numbers.

7- Is there a scientific justification for not not doing a pilot study?

8- How the risks will be metigated was not mentioned.

9- Please put a reference for the statement that female mice a best for this kind of study.


Comment to the Committee

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