This part in background, Experimental protocol and other places must be deleted:
National Research Centre
Medical Research Ethics Committee
المركز القومى للبحوث
لجنة أخالقيات البحوث الطبية
Al Buhouth St. Dokki- Cairo Egypt Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) 00014747 العربية مصر جمهورية – القاهرة – الدقى
tel. +20 37601877 E-.mail : Fax: +20 33370701
NRC/PNRC/MREC/F11 Version: #01 Released: 01/11/2020
Page 6 of 13
Title should not be a result
Please, upload the flow chart
Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups, each ten rats: correct to 6 groups
What will be the method of disposal of dead animals
By sending animals to the Holocaust !!!
Please correct the above answer: animals are sent frozen in labelled red bags to the hazardous biological waste room at NRC under the supervision of OSH committee or via the animal house.