National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Effect of modification of glass ionomer cement restorations by inexpensive soda-lime-silica glass/tetracalcium phosphate composites

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

correct the Arabic title to

تأثير تعديل نرميمات الإسمنت الأيونى الزجاجى بإستخدام مركبات رخيصة من زجاج الصودا - الجير - السيليكا و فوسفات رباعى الكالسيوم 

she mention that the protocol was not reviewed by scientific reviewing committee although she attached file 90

Comment to the Committee

correct the Arabic title to

تأثير تعديل نرميمات الإسمنت الأيونى الزجاجى بإستخدام مركبات رخيصة من زجاج الصودا - الجير - السيليكا و فوسفات رباعى الكالسيوم 

she mention that the protocol was not reviewed by scientific reviewing committee although she attached file 90

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