· I suggest adding The role of pectin improvement and then .complete the title as it is
· Study type not observational
· Fund amount is determined approximately
· The secondary objective is written as the same of the primary objective
· When were t he blood samples taken from the mice after scarified them or before ?.Were the mice anesthetized before taking the blood samples? .Please review the writing of this section . (Finally, rats were fasted overnight and were anesthetized by injection ketamine and xylazine (87 and 13 mg/ kg of body weight) dissolved in normal saline. Anesthetic rats were scarified and the blood samples were collected from the retro-orbital plexus for biochemical analysis)
· Explain the Sample size, is it calculated or by reference?
· Jantt chart as the same flowchart
· In the blood sampling: centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes to obtain sera, while in Describe all procedures on the animals and how often they will be done ; Blood was centrifuged (4000 rpm for10 min . which is correct ?
· Are less painful or stressful alternative available
· Frequency: No ( write mild pain duo to the pain of the syringe during injection to prepare the model, treatment administration orally).
· Agent / Substance: Drug Tranquilizers: ketamine/xylazine Route of Administration Tranquilizers: oral ,.but in Animal grouping and treatment design: Anesthesia rats achieved by injection ofketamine 87 mg/kg of body weight and xylazine 13 mg/ kg of body weight, dissolved in normal saline, and each rat received 0.2 mL/100 g body weight