الملف لا يحتوى على طلب التقدم وموافقة المشرفين على الرسالة للتقدم للجنة اخلاقيات البحوث الطبية بالمركز القومى للبحوث The template lacks the required data concerning standardization,method of preparation and administration of Herbal medicine(Allium sativum L ).The (EDA) and (EMA) standardized the daily effective dose used in the treatment of elevated blood lipids and reduction of cardio vascular risk by the amount of the active principle allicin that it contains which is equivalent to (3 - 5 mg approximately of allicin ) while garlic cloves yield 2.5-4,5 mg of allicin/gm of fresh weight when crushed (Lawson et al 1998),therefore using 5 gm of crushed garlic in a single daily dose retains high amount of allicin which may increase the risk of bleeding,irritate the digestive tract,burning sensation of the chest and stomach (PDR) and deterioration of liver functions (S.V.Rana et al,2006). References. 1)(EDA) Egyptian Drug Authority Egyptian Herbal monograph, Medicinal Plants used in Egypt (vol 3) ( 2024), Allium sativum L..
2) (EMA) European Medicine Agency-Sciences Medicine Health, 12 July ( 2016)
3) Lawson LD.. Garlic review of its medicinal effects and indicated active compounds. In.Lawson LD, Bauer R, eds. Phytomedicine of Europe, Chemistry and Biological Activity, Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society, 1998, 177-209
4) PDR for Herbal Medicines - Second Edition p 328
5) S.V.Rana etal, Trop. Gastroenterol. 2006,(Jan-March) 27(1) , 26-30