National Research Centre

Medical Research Ethics Committee

MREC Reviewer Comment

Protocol Title

Multi-component spectrophotometric determination of serum pigments, blood inactive and active hemoglobin derivatives in obese NRC employees in comparison to healthy employees

Completely satisfied and informative data

Needs Explanation

Comments to the applicant

The protocol is well written but needs some modifications:

Comment to the Committee

The protocol is well written but needs some modifications:

1- In the English title, “for” is added before the word “determination”. In the Arabic title, “determination”

     العنوان العربى يضاف لتحديد صبغات بعد كلمة الانظمة

2- Flowchart and Gantt chart are not attached 

1-      بيانات القسم والمعهد للباحث الرئيسى غير مكتوبة فى البروتوكول

2-      بعض النماذج التى تم تحميلها غير صحيحة

Informed consent form:

Needs Modification


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